Family Law, Articles

Divorce Month: Why is January the “D” Month?

divorce month

Why Is January The “D” Month?: Divorce Month

Statistically and practically, for family lawyers, January every year sees an influx of inquiries from new clients seeking advice on their relationship breakdown.

Why is that so?  Quite simply it is the holiday season and the stress and disillusionment that can follow from the Christmas period.

Some of the boiling points over the holiday period that contribute to the end of the relationship are:

Financial Pressure

There is no doubt that 2022 brought about significant financial pressure on families and when you combine the interest rate hikes of 2022 with the associated costs of Christmas such as gifts, socializing, family gatherings etc, the pressure on household budgets is immense. The pressure to keep up with those around us or not let our kids down with the presents they want, often sees families living beyond their means.

Extra spending can result in significant relationship stress and take a toll on your relationship. When your relationship is already undressed and stress the Christmas spending can take things over the edge and the already difficult relationship becomes unrepairable.

Extra time with Family

Sometimes dealing with our family is a massive headache at the best of times. Christmas sees an increase in the amount of time spent with our immediate and extended families (including the dreaded in-laws). It is often the unrelenting pressure to "get along" with family with whom we have an already strained relationship that ends up with huge arguments and relationship breakdowns.

Different parenting styles

Holiday mode takes us out of our routines and usual daily life. Often the "non-primary caregiver" is at home, and may want to just do the fun stuff, causing the parent who is trying to keep a semblance of routine and order to feel upset and angry that their routines and arrangements are not being respected.

Changes in routines and behavior impact both child and parent stress levels and can result in sleep disruption. Sleep disruption results in tiredness and tiredness results in short tempers and short tempers result in arguments. Simply having more time in the home together makes more opportunities for conflict and one little argument is often enough to become the breaking point for a relationship.

"Just one more Christmas"

When someone has in their own mind resolved to end their relationship, often they try to keep it together just for Christmas "for the sake of the kids". This means that after Christmas and when lawyers get back to business, they soon after consulting with a lawyer about ending their relationship.

New Year New Me

The start of a new year brings about the opportunity for self-reflection and re-evaluation of your life and your goals.

If we no longer consider our relationship to be serving our needs, then January seems to be the most logical time to decide to move on.

No matter the time of year, OMB Family Law are available to guide you through your separation. A specialist team of Gold Coast Family Lawyers within OMB Solicitors, OMB Family Law have the resources to help you resolve your Family Law matter. Contact us on 5555 0000 or via our website for an information pack and to arrange a free in initial consultation.

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